Role: Senior Software Engineer, Backend

Location: 성수동, Seoul, Republic of Korea

'로봇이 만들 새로운 세상을 이끌어갈 베어로보틱스에서 각 분야 최고 수준의 훌륭한 멤버들과 함께 새로운 역사를 만들어 갈 동료를 기다립니다.'

"Smart Hospitality"를 목표로 로봇이 만들 새로운 세상을 이끌어갈 베어로보틱스에서 각 분야 최고 수준의 훌륭한 멤버들과 함께 새로운 역사를 만들어 갈 동료를 기다립니다.

지금까지의 성장 노하우와 뛰어난 기술력을 바탕으로 ‘서빙’ 이 필요한 다양한 사업에 진출할 예정이며, 안정적인 재정 기반 아래, “자율주행 서빙 로봇”의 성장에 박차를 가해주실 분을 찾고 있습니다.

실리콘밸리의 문화를 경험하며, 함께 성장하고, 미래의 로봇을 만들어갈 동료를 기다립니다.

Apply to join the Bear Team!

“구글을 박차고 나와 순두부식당을 운영하면서 실리콘밸리 생존법을 배웠죠.”

✨ ‘베어로보틱스’, 1천억 규모 시리즈B 투자유치

로봇 스타트업 직원들이 말하는 회사의 모든 것(with 한국 곰 from ‘베어’로보틱스)

[Main Responsibilities]

  • As we continue to grow and deploy more robots, it is crucial to develop a more reliable and scalable backend. Your role is to build a well-structured backend, delivering new features and enhancing existing ones. You will present good backend designs, make them clear to various team members, and implement them. You will be actively contributing to backend development through hands-on tasks. As a senior member, you will also guide junior team members, ensuring high-quality, robust, and extensible code.

[Required Experience and Qualifications]

  • Minimun 5+ years' experience of working on a Computer Software Engineer or Software Developer
  • We are seeking a candidate with a strong understanding of current technologies, such as Django REST framework, GCP, MySQL, BigQuery, Nginx, Docker, and protocols like HTTP(S), MQTT, and WebSocket. More importantly, we value individuals who learn quickly, actively expand their skill sets, and possess a solid foundation in computer science principles.


  • As a dedicated team of professionals within the robotics technology industry, our mission is centered around Universe, our cutting-edge web service specifically designed for managing and remotely diagnosing tens of thousands of robots.
  • Universe offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline and enhance the user experience:
    • Securely store, manage, and modify mapping data
    • Collect and analyze robot usage data
    • Access real-time diagnostics for robot software, hardware, autonomous navigation, sensors, and localization
    • Remotely control robots with ease
    • Efficiently manage store and user data
  • Universe is built on a robust technology stack, which includes:
    • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, Datastore, BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Redis, RabbitMQ
    • Nginx and Docker
    • Django REST Framework and React
    • HTTP(S), MQTT, WebSocket, WebRTC
  • Universe serves as an elegant solution that seamlessly connects users with robotic systems, delivering an unparalleled experience in the world of robotics.


  • Fleet Management team is a strong and constantly growing team. As a member of this team, you'll be joining a group of about 10 people who are solely focused on developing and improving Universe.
    • Our team embraces a results-driven culture, focusing primarily on outcomes. Effective communication skills are crucial for positively influencing others. We uphold a strong design review and code review culture, requiring approval from both the code owner and language readability reviewer.